Heather RedingtonPsychotherapy & Energy Therapy near Swindon and Cirencester, Wiltshire

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Psychotherapist and Energy Therapist in Nailsworth, near Swindon, Wiltshire and the South West

Are you struggling to recover from painful losses, abuse, chronic stress or other traumatic experiences?

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Psychotherapist and Energy Therapist in Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, Swindon, Wiltshire and the South West

Are you looking for a psychotherapist near Nailsworth or within easy reach of Stroud, Swindon, Oxford or Cirencester?

Are you interested in identifying what it is in your past relationships and experiences which may be interfering and creating conflict in the present?

Are you searching for a more harmonious relationship with -your partner-your child, your colleagues-or yourself?

Psychotherapy can help! Psychotherapy offers a space to identify and understand patterns which repeat unhelpfully in your life.

What I can offer you

I am a psychotherapist based in Nailsworth, Gloucestershire near Swindon and within easy reach of Oxford and Cirencester. I offer consultations and therapy, based on my twenty years experience as a family therapist in an NHS Child and Family Consultation Service and fifteen years as a psychotherapist in private practice in the Swindon and the South West. I find that my experience of working with families has led me to focus on the benefits of healing relationships both current and in the past so that clients' lives become freed up from past trauma.

I have a particular interest in working with trauma,including abusive relationships, painful childhood issues, bereavements and single episode trauma such as assaults and accidents of all kinds.

I have trained in various branches of energy psychology and draw upon all of these gentle and effective methods to alleviate physical emotional pain, anxiety and distress. Unresolved painful traumas can act as blocks, and these blocks can be swiftly released through energy psychotherapy.

Psychotherapist and Energy therapist in Nailsworth, Gloucestershire near Stroud, Swindon and within easy reach of Cirencester and Oxford

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